
Friday, June 24, 2011

Fiesta - Walk through Level 20 Change Job

Fiesta - Panduan Change Job Level 20

1. Pergi ke Guard Captain Shutian di Elderine
Pada Quest list pilih If you want to be stronger dan baca semua arahan kemudian diakhirnya pilih Promotion right?

1. Go to Guard Captain Shutian at Elderine
At Quest list pick If you want to be stronger and read all the dialog then choose Promotion right?



2. Selepas selesai dengan Guard Captain Shutian pergi ke Forest of Mist (tip: tanggalkan semua senjata dan armor)

2. After complete the quest at Guard Captain Shutian go to Forest of Mist (tip: take off all your weapon and armor)


3. Kemudian pergi ke Grand Master Sean dan ambil quest promotion

3. Then go to Grand Master Sean and accept the promotion quest



4. Sebaik sahaja masuk ke tempat ujian terus pakai semua armor dan senjata dengan segera dan serang kembar anda

4. After you enter the shadow place immidiately equip all your weapon and armor and attack your twin



5. Selepas die lari meninggalkan anda, ikut die tetapi anda terpaksa berlawan dengan beberapa raksaksa

5. After he run away go after him and you need to fight few monster along the way

Kill 2 Kebing

Kill all Skeleton

Kill 3 Kebing

6. Selepas Mengalahkan Kebing anda kene ikut lampu sehingga ke hujung, buka senjata anda (senjata sahaja bukan armor)

6. After Killing the Kebing you need to follow the light, while you follow the light, unequipped your weapon, (weapon only not armor)


7. Sekali lagi anda akan berjumpa dengan kembar anda, bunuh die untuk selesaikan quest ( ingat jangan pakai senjata anda sehingga anda lihat kembar anda tidak bersenjata, setelah pasti die tidak bersenjata baharulah anda pakai senjata anda)

Bunuh Archer dan Swordman dulu, abaikan golem tu dan terus bunuh kembar anda, jangan mati tau!!

7. Once again you meet your twin finish him to complete the change job quest (remember dont equip your weapon before you see your twin, make sure he dont have weapon first)

Defeat the Archer and swordman first, just ignore the golem just kill your twin and dont die


8. Setelah selesai semuanya anda akan dihantar semula ke Forest of Mist, pergi ke Grand Master Sean untuk ambil hadiah.

8. After you kill your twin you will be transfer back to Forest of Mist, go to Grand Master Sean to collect your reward.


Selamat Berjaya

Good Luck

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